Rivkah Holland
Rivkah Holland
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Earn Some Brownie Points
Rivkah Holland
Monday October 9 2017, 6:14 PM
Earn Some Brownie Points


Lazer Brody writes a timely blog on helping out in the kitchen. This train of thought is why all my kids are trained in both taking out the trash and cooking in the kitchen. A wife should be able to help her husband(how many lawns have I mowed?) and a husband should be able to help his wife(dinner please!?). Here Rabbi Brody is leading by example!

Joel Brewer
@joel-brewer   8 years ago
It's not very piratey to like sushi, but that's the Japanese in me. I love sushi xD
Sima Siegel
@sima-siegel   8 years ago
Children love to help! Learning life skills is invaluable. Age appropriate of course.
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