Rivkah Holland
Rivkah Holland
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“More than the Jew has kept the Shabbos, the Shabbos has kept the Jew” BY ELIYAHU HECHT   JANUARY 22, 2019 There’s an old expression that I never quite understood before I learned Likutey Moharan Tinyana 2 and its associated halacha in Likutey...
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Tuesday June 19 2018, 4:51 PM Current Cultural Events
Visiting West Africa? Want to sit on a crocodile? Then Bazoule may be the stop for you! In this small  village the crocodiles are part of the community. They are fed, cared for and even given human bur ial by the members of the...
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Saturday January 6 2018, 10:24 PM Faith
Over there on the other place I was blocked this week. It's not the first time...won't be the last. This time the person let me know why they were blocking me...why they couldn't stomach my posts... You see they blocked me because of my posts...
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Saturday December 2 2017, 9:11 PM Faith
Parashat Vayishlakh THE REUNION by Xus Casal bn Yohani Many of the ideas are based on Ariel Cohen Alloro’s teachings. I hope the experts will forgive my simplicity within complexity. I’d like most people to be able to understand or at least...
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Wednesday November 22 2017, 10:14 PM Family
At the beginning of May, I was gifted a month of A-T so I could attend the Rabbi's classes. I was curious about the platform, the people involved, and the home schooling academy. While I was attempting to set up the software and get connected for...
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Monday October 9 2017, 6:14 PM Family
http://lazerbrody.typepad.com/lazer_beams/2017/10/give-her-a-break.html Lazer Brody writes a timely blog on helping out in the kitchen. This train of thought is why all my kids are trained in both taking out the trash and cooking in the...
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Tuesday September 26 2017, 8:39 AM Faith
Your self should not like a discussion on modesty. Your self should find it grating, insulting and offensive. A discussion on modesty should make your self mad. You should chafe and huff and find loopholes for your self to protect who you are....
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Thursday March 19 2015, 8:19 AM Faith
My husband burns incense when he prays in the morning. He says it helps him focus and set the time apart. He also prays in our walk in closet,  for two reasons: one it is three doors away from the children, two it keeps the light off in the room...
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Thursday September 14 2017, 12:44 PM Faith
We have been attending a new congregation for about a month or so and a lady asked my husband if he was living out the things that he had been learning in Breslov. His answer was ask my wife. So I am answering because a huge change has taken...
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Wednesday September 13 2017, 7:02 PM Faith
One of the Rabbi’s my husband listens to told this story: Two men went out to soak in the mudflats. They arrive slip into the soothing mud when one man realizes it’s a cesspool. You know sewage? He jumps out runs for the showers, scrubs, scrubs...
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Friday April 14 2017, 8:24 AM Faith
In August of 2003, I was expecting a baby, my Talitha, and my oldest was crawling aboutthe floor, when my life changed forever. Or it was just the beginning of change? My husband brought the Torah into our home. Bobby will joke that he brought it...
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Wednesday May 17 2017, 12:27 PM Faith
water parts to accept me moves around me, envelopes me, draws me in its tendrils of warmth grabbing at me, beckoning me to a new life everything and nothing the water is charged, holy, set apart the water is as it fell from the sky, sat in the...
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Tuesday September 5 2017, 11:58 AM Family
My Husband Prays in Shul I am sharing this article that I ran across today, because sometimes it seems that the women are "stuck" doing the menial tasks while the men get to be spiritual. I especially liked what the author says here. In one...
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Monday September 11 2017, 8:06 AM Family
For those that don't know, my husband Tzav, has been dealing with a kidney stone for the last week. Two Fridays ago saw him in the ER from the early morning hours, what was supposed to take just a few days to passed has now moved into a full week...
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Wow! What a great first day of school! It was also an amazing first, first day of school! What a blessing to be in on the ground floor of such an amazing program. I thank Gd for leading me to this school. Barukh ata adonai elohenu melekh ha’olam,...
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