Haholchim B'Torat HaShem
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Simple People
Haholchim B'Torat HaShem
Monday July 2 2018, 7:54 PM

Rabbi Nachman told the story of King who went on a hunting trip together with his royal ministers. An unusually heavy rain began to fall, causing all the ministers to flee for their lives. The king was all alone in the forest. Finally, he found a clearing, in which was the home of a poor peasant. The peasant (unaware that this was the king), offered him some groats, lit a fire in the stove, and gave the king a simple pallet to sleep on. The king was comfortable and slept very well. In the morning, the ministers searched until they found the king. They wanted to bring him back to his palace. The king said "No. When the torrential rains came, you all abandoned me. This peasant took care of me, and gave me comfort. HE will bring me back to my palace, and HE will place me on my throne".
Rabbi Nachman said "A great flood is coming; not of water, but of atheism and heresy. It will cover the entire Earth, and even spill over into the Holy Land. Those who serve G-d because of subtle philosophical arguments will be overwhelmed by the new ideas. But simple Jews, who recite Psalms in complete sincerity and simplicity will remain unaffected. THEY will place G-d on his throne."

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