Judy Howard
Judy Howard
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Moana and Klipot
Judy Howard
Wednesday August 15 2018, 7:37 AM

For the last couple of weeks, I was horribly sick and with my granddaughter, Kylie, we watched the Disney cartoon Moana over and over again. Her favorite and mine too.

As the time went by I began to think there was a spiritual message in the movie and thus started to watch the movie looking for what it was or if I was just running a fever.

Slowly I began to see the lesson.  Kabballistic in nature and what I thought was a great example of Tikkun and Klipot.  SPOILER ALERT!  I am going to describe the movie so if you haven't seen it you may not want to read further.  Moana is the story about a people who voyage from island to island finally being forced to settle on an island that is far away from their home.  Things are great until the evil that overtook their native islands begins to encroach on their paradise and their food supply begins to die.

Moana is the princess who will someday be the leader of her people.  She realizes there is a problem and sets out to fix it.  She is called by the ocean who has chosen her but she doesn't understand the calling.   She just knows that there is a pull to be "one" with the water.  Her grandmother, the Tzaddik in the story, knows what her mission is and explains it to Moana.

Maui the demigod is a good guy but also malicious.   He gets the sun to rise, the summers to have longer days but he likes to have fun by decieving others and also wants more power.  So he steals the heart of Tafititi in order to have the power to create.

Tafititi is kind of like the "one god" who creates knew islands that provide places for the people to live and survive.  So those islands are kind of like the promise land.  Yet when Maui steals the heart of Tafititi she turns into a fire monster, Tikau.  Thing is no one knows that Tikau is really Tifiti.  

So Moana is sent by her grandmother and the ocean to restore the heart of Tifiti who will defeat Tikau and then all will go back to being a paradise.  This reminds me of doing Tikkun in order to bring about the World to Come.  The major part of the movie is the journey to find Maui and to get to Tifiti. It is when she arrives and sees Tikau that I began to realize that Tikau is really a klipot.  That Tifiti lost her heart (light) and therefore her power to create became perverted and her beauty was covered with the shell of cooled lava and ashes.  Like the klipot.  The shell that covers the true light of HaShem.

I don't want to make this too long so I will stop here and come back later.

Moana/Vaiana (2016) - "Know Who You Are" / Heart of Te Fiti scene [1080]

Eliyanah Jordan Yarden
@eliyanah-jordan-yarden   7 years ago
Ahh... now we will have to have a movie day.
Judy Howard
@judy-howard   7 years ago
LOLm, maybe!
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