Jo Howell
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Jo Howell
Tuesday March 7 2017, 12:03 PM

It's been a while since I last posted and I apologize for that.  Nothing more than laziness on my part. I would like to share something that caught my attention...

I have a group of Christian women who come to my home every Monday morning for a Bible study.  They are all aware that my walk with HaShem has changed and are curious to learn more about our Jewish Messiah.  That being said, one thing that seldom (if ever) happens in many of the churches in Boone is teaching from the Old Testament.  So, We started this Bible study about a year or so ago and began in the New Testament.  As the months have progressed, HaShem has given me boldness to encourage a closer look at where our teachings come from.

For the past few weeks we have been studying the Minor Prophets.  I'll admit that I have never read some of these books.  Two weeks ago we studied Jonah.   Everyone learns the tale of Jonah and the Whale as a child, but to learn what the book was really about and why Jonah was so reluctant to go to Nineveh was an eye-opener.  The people of Nineveh hear Jonah and were given the opportunity to repent.

Fast forward a couple of weeks (and several generations later) and we're going to study Nahum next Monday.  Nahum was also sent to Nineveh to warn this evil, pagan nation of their pending doom.  Although they repented after Jonah spoke, Nahum is not offering redemption this time.  They will be destroyed.

They were indeed destroyed in 612 B.C.E. and the city of Nineveh fell to the Babylonians and Medes.

This will be a great discussion next week.  Pray for us that we can hear what HaShem has for us to learn whiile in our discussion.

Hope you all have a wonderful Purim celebration!

Jo Howell
@jo-howell   8 years ago
After going back and reading Amos 4, Israel is certainly being given ample opportunity to realize that HaShem is in control of everything, yet they do not repent and turn from their wicked ways. He's letting them know that they will soon "meet their Maker". Stubborn bunch, huh?
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