Rivkah Holland
Rivkah Holland
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Wednesday November 22 2017, 10:14 PM Family
At the beginning of May, I was gifted a month of A-T so I could attend the Rabbi's classes. I was curious about the platform, the people involved, and the home schooling academy. While I was attempting to set up the software and get connected for...
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Monday October 9 2017, 6:14 PM Family
http://lazerbrody.typepad.com/lazer_beams/2017/10/give-her-a-break.html Lazer Brody writes a timely blog on helping out in the kitchen. This train of thought is why all my kids are trained in both taking out the trash and cooking in the...
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Monday September 11 2017, 8:06 AM Family
For those that don't know, my husband Tzav, has been dealing with a kidney stone for the last week. Two Fridays ago saw him in the ER from the early morning hours, what was supposed to take just a few days to passed has now moved into a full week...
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Tuesday September 5 2017, 11:58 AM Family
My Husband Prays in Shul I am sharing this article that I ran across today, because sometimes it seems that the women are "stuck" doing the menial tasks while the men get to be spiritual. I especially liked what the author says here. In one...
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