Rivkah Holland
Rivkah Holland
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  Blog » Categories » Family » Thankful
Rivkah Holland
Wednesday November 22 2017, 10:14 PM

At the beginning of May, I was gifted a month of A-T so I could attend the Rabbi's classes. I was curious about the platform, the people involved, and the home schooling academy. While I was attempting to set up the software and get connected for the first time, I ran into a problem and sent in a help ticket. Clear arranged for us to skype so that he could help me walk through the problems.

As we went through the process we struck up a conversation on the Academy and I asked some questions which led to Clear asking some questions, which led to my introduction to Bayli and an arrangement to have a business meeting the following Monday to discuss possibly  lending a hand to this amazing program.

That Monday, shortly before the meeting was to take place, I received a devastating phone call. My friend Jenn, my best friend had died. She passed in her sleep. She had just flown down to Texas, I was going to go and see her and the family that week or the next. My last text was, "Are you here?" And she wasn't, she wasn't here, she had passed on. She was the most giving, caring, loving soul and I thank Gd for taking her quietly in her sleep. 

And I thank Gd He didn't forget me in my pain and sadness, I thank Gd that he sent me this A-T family. Clear tried to get ahold of me and when I was coherent enough to text I sent him a message that would make this loss all too real. Clear and Bayli responded with love and compassion and prayer, for me a near stranger, and they didn't stop there. They gave me room to grieve, then they welcomed me on board to the A-T team. They gave me plenty of work and I relished it. I relished spending time with both of them working on curriculum and planning and dreaming about what this Academy is becoming. And I knew, without a shadow of a doubt that this was a plan Hashem had in the making years back when he put the bug in Clear's ear to start building Assemble-Together, He knew that one day I would need this family, this project, this distraction, this dream.

And I am so thankful.

Judy Howard
@judy-howard   8 years ago
This makes me want to cry with joy. You are a great writer.