Judy Howard
Judy Howard
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I have not personally verified this statement but the person I copied from, I trust.

Rabbi Nachman teaches If a person had complete faith in G-d and fully believed that He stands over him listening to his prayers, hearing every word that comes from his mouth, he would certainly pray properly without a trace of apathy or despondence . The main thing that prevents us from praying with enthusiasm is a lack of faith, which makes people despondent and apathetic.

If a grain of wheat is planted in good soil, it will sprout and grow beautifully without being harmed by winds and storms. This is because there is a power that makes it grow and flourish. But if the same seed is planted in poor soil, it literally rots in the earth because there is no power making it grow.

In the same way, when a person has faith, which is the growth-generating power, nothing can harm him. He is not afraid of anyone or anything in the world; he puts energy into his prayers and visits the Tzaddik. But if a person lacks faith, he lacks the growth-generating power, and then he literally rots, like a grain of wheat planted in poor soil. This is what makes him ponderous and depressed and he literally rots!

When a person is patient and slow to anger, he fears nothing and lets nothing distract or deter him from his devotions. No matter what happens, he continues as best as he can, doing his part to serve G-d without worrying about anything or letting anything disturb him.

Patience depends upon faith, for "as long as there is idolatry in the world, there is anger in the world" ( Sifri, Re'eh ). Faith is the opposite of idolatry and therefore dispels anger, bringing the person to patience, which is the opposite of anger.

Whenever you encounter distractions and barriers in your prayers and devotions, you must take a deep breath of patience and bear everything—patiently. Do not allow yourself to become discouraged, depressed and apathetic. Breathe... breathe deeply and don't take it to heart. Continue doing what you have to do and try your best to ignore all the distractions and obstacles. This is the mark of true patience, which comes through faith, the growth-generating power.

Faith will make you grow, flourish and succeed in your devotions, because no obstacle will have the power to disturb you or throw you into depression and apathy. Regardless of what happens, you will continue doing what you have to do joyfully and with enthusiasm, paying no attention whatever to any disturbances and distractions.

Likutey Moharan I, 155

Have an amazing day

Be blessed and...

S M I L E ! ! ! 😊