Judy Howard
Judy Howard
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I am hoping folks will find this page interesting and add to it or even discuss it.  I get so lonely here on A-T!!!

I am going to be cherry picking from two different books, "Jewish Days, A Book of Jewish Life and Culture Around the Year," by Francine Klagsbrun, Illustrated by Mark Podwal.  The other is: "The Feasts of Adonai, Why Christians should look at the Biblical Feasts," by Valerie Moody.  The second book is a staple for those new to Judaism or for those having just left the church.  (My favorite is "Jewish Days," though.)

I would ask if Rabbi @jeffrey-siegel or @sima-siegel or @shmuel-siegel would be will to correct any misunderstandings that this incurs through the two books.  Thank you!

On to getting this set up and to post for the month of Shevet 5778.

Judy Howard
@judy-howard   7 years ago
Month of Shevat:

Tu’ B’Shevat
1. Tu’ B’Shevat or Rosh HaShanah La’ilanot.: “…you shall not destroy its trees…for the tree of the field is man’s food.” A minor festival. "Tu" equals 15 and thus the New Year of Trees falls on the 15th of Shevat.
2. There are four New Year’s Days in the Mishnah; Nisan 1st: New Years for Kings; Elul 1st: New Years for tithing cattle; Tishri 1st: New Years for counting the years; Shevat 15th: New Years for trees.
3. Significant verses regarding trees: B’reshit 3:22, 2:8, 9:20, 21:33; Devarin 20:1, 20:6; Isaiah 65:22; Amos 7:14; Matthew 21:19; Revelations 22:2
4. Maccabees 10:22-30, Antiochus Epiphanes levied heavy taxes on salt, seeds and fruit of trees.
5. The Ottoman Empire – 16th – 20th century – levied heavy taxes also on trees except for Oak trees near graves.
6. “In the last forty years, Israel planted trees to honor Righteous Gentiles. Gentiles like Oscar Schindler and Corrie ten Boom, who helped save Jewish lives during the Holocaust. The trees grow in the Garden of the Righteous at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, Israel’s Holocaust Museum.
7. Jewish parents plant a tree for any child born during the past year, a cedar tree for boys and cypress for girls. As adults, the trees are cut down to make the hupa for the children’s wedding.
8. Sephardic Jews allow children to take the day off from school and visit relatives. The Men may stay awake all night studying Torah about fruits.
9. Ashkenazi celebrate with singing. They will sing Psalms 120 – 134 and eat 15 types of fruit to feel connected to the land
10. Family’s may celebrate with a Tu B’Shevat Seder. Adults drink four cups of wine to celebrate G-d’s four levels of Creation.
11. Jews are emotionally and spiritually tied to the land of Israel. Like the deep roots of a tree. Isaiah 62:4-5
12. The tree of life represents; Wisdom, Proverbs 3:18; Righteousness, Proverbs 11:30; Hope, Proverbs 13:12; Wholesome speech, Proverbs 15:4;
Other facts of Shevat:
1. It’s the month of hope
2. The zodiac sign is Aquarius (this is not to be confused with pop astrology of today)
3. Sign of the Water Bearer
4. We have Shabbat Shirah: the Shabbat when Moshe’s song is read. Traditionally children will put out food for birds so that they will have the strength to join in the singing.
5. Shabbat Sheckalim: Shemot 30:11-16 is read in addition to the weekly parashah; a half shekel is donated to the synagogue or place of worship
6. The half shekel tax was a democratic one, levied on all Jews equally. The poor were not permitted to give less, nor were the rich expected to give more. The message still holds; all lives are of equal worth before G-d and all people need to bear some responsibility for communal affairs. (A date or time for Shabbat Sheckalim was not given)

See Ya Next Month for Adar