Judy Howard
Judy Howard
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Advice by Rabbi Nachman #10
Judy Howard
Friday July 6 2018, 6:30 PM

From the book Advice:#10
Rabbi Nachman: ADVICE (LIKUTEY ETZOT) by Rabbi Nathan of Breslov

This one is a tough one.  I fight my ego whenever I am doing anything publicly.   The ego wants to take credit when something leaves my mouth and sounds pretty good.  Or when I start rattling off scripture and Likutey Moharan.  But my mind is not good enough to remember everything so it isn't me but HaShem.  So I fight the ego .  I wonder if fasting if even for 1/2 a day when I hear myself would conquer the ego?  @jeffrey-siegel?

10) When a person eats greedily it is a stain, as it were, on the honor which is due to God’s holiness. The more disrespect that is shown to God, the more the arrogant start to assert themselves. The nations of the world abrogate to themselves all the glory that is due to God. They flaunt themselves and boast ―and receive the world’s respect and deference for it. God hides His face from the world and the Divine aspect of severe justice prevails. But when we break the desire for food, God shows favor to the world. The aspect of severity is withdrawn. The honor due to God’s holiness is restored. The arrogant are humbled and lose their power and influence (67: 2,3).

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