Judy Howard
Judy Howard
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Judy Howard
16 Sep 2018 14:39:53
Advice from Rebbetzin Sima

Shabbat Shalom dear friends and G'mar Chatima Tova! Enjoy the Shabbat day of rest and relaxation.

Plan on a festive meal about mid day prior to the Yom Kippur fast. We have a small meal right before the fast. Throughout the day, be sure to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. That can be more essential than food. Tylenol adult suppositories are good to have on hand for headaches. Please be sure to speak to my husband where health issues may not allow you to fast. Youngsters also need to know if they should participate in any way. Age and health are important factors. Have all food prepared for the children ahead of time. Nursing mothers are advised to stay home and do as little as possible so as not to loose your milk from dehydration. If you can pump during the week, great. Attending services is not manditory for women where family comes first. Even if you don't have responsibilities, stay home if you aren't sure you'll be able to handle fasting and venturing out. Simply follow the Yom Kippur prayers. Feel free to ask questions! Blessings!


Links and schedule

Two chapters a week have the first two done by Feb 16, 2021.http://www.gutenberg.org/files/11/11-h/11-h.htm
@rivkahh started 4 years ago - replies: 0

Full Text

@rivkahh started 5 years ago - replies: 0

Full Text

@rivkahh started 5 years ago - replies: 0

Aesop's Fables Full Text

Follow the link and read the first six tales. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/19994/19994-h/19994-h.htm The Wolf and the Kid 11 The Tortoise...
@rivkahh started 5 years ago - replies: 0

Full Text and Ebook versions

Link for http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1597/1597-h/1597-h.htm#link2H_4_0006      Link for Ebooks - http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1597
@rivkahh started 5 years ago - replies: 0

Links for Week 1

Intro to Shakespeare Virtual Tour of the Globe
@rivkahh started 5 years ago - replies: 0

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Take a picture of every item you find. When you are done upload your pictures to your profile, using the gallery tab. 
@rivkahh started 5 years ago - replies: 4

Post a Photo

Post a photo of your favorite animal to the gallery on your profile page. 
@rivkahh started 5 years ago - replies: 0

Your First Fun Assignment

Change your profile picture to a current picture of yourself!Come back here when you are done and share!
@rivkahh started 5 years ago - replies: 2

Beauty and the Beast - Full Text

Project Gutenberg is a website full of manuscripts that are public domain, that is free! You can download them in any version to match your...
@rivkahh started 5 years ago - replies: 0
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