Judy Howard
Judy Howard
  • Followers 62
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  • Updates 220
Month of Elul
Month of Elul

Post everything and anything regarding Elul.

Rosh Chodesh Elul begins Friday night, August 10 - Sunday, August 12.2018

Getting ready for Elul - Take advantage of every hour! - Rabbi Alon Anava:
Getting ready for Elul - Take advantage of every hour! - Rabbi Alon Anava

Wake up from your sleep - The work of the month of Elul - Rabbi Alon Anava:
Wake up from your sleep - The work of the month of Elul - Rabbi Alon Anava

Discussion Forum
Judy Howard

Breslov Customs for the Month of Elul

@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Likutey Moharan Volume 1 Lesson 6

@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Month of Elul: Mercy

@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Elul Teshivah Time

@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

From Rabbi's Teacher, Rabbi Kiwak

@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Kabbalah and the month of Elul

@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
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