Advice from Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
18) Every Jew, even the greatest Tzaddik, necessarily undergoes a certain measure of pain and suffering every day. The deeper his understanding and attachment to God, the greater the pain he must endure. But eating in holiness and with the fear of Heaven can help to sweeten this pain somewhat and prevent it from becoming overpowering (77).
19) One who eats in holiness and with the fear of Heaven is worthy of the status of Adam, Man, the pinnacle of Creation. His mouth is the mouth of Adam. The Shechinah herself speaks from his lips. But when a person eats without holiness, God forbid , his mouth is the mouth of a mere animal (Ibid).
20) The time when we are eating is especially suited to working onĀ ourselves to develop the fear of Heaven. We should be careful to take advantage of the moment and cultivate this fear in our hearts (Ibid.).