Judy Howard
Judy Howard
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Judy Howard

Ushpizin Day 3

DAY 3 JACOB Jacob is the third of the ushpizin and is associated with the Sefirah of Tiferet. In comparison to his brother Esau, who gave away his...
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Ushpizin Day 2

DAY 2: ISAAC Isaac is the second of the ushpizin and is associated with the Sefirah of Gevurah (‘judgment’) among the seven middot. Gevurah...
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Understanding the Ushpizin and the Lulav

This short video is very well done in explaining the Ushpizin and the parts of the Lulav....
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Kabbalah and the Sukkah

This is terrific! https://www.facebook.com/100001850895423/posts/2198344626903879/
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Ushpizin Day 1

Each of the seven days of Sukkot is associated with a Biblical figure. They are nicknamed the “ushpizin” as they are considered ‘guests’ that you...
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

From Rabbi Siegel

Rabbi Siegel posted article elsewhere The Guidebook to the Laws of Sukkot How does one build a sukkah? What is and what isn’t considered...
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

From Rabbi Kiwak

Rabbi Nissen David Kiwak:The Rebbe teaches (Likutey Moharan lesson 66): “…because without desire it is impossible to doanything … The main extent...
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Breslov Research Institute

LM lesson 48 of the BRI English-Hebrew Edition Likutey Moharan on the topic of Sukkot. We have also added a selection of beautiful Breslov...
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 1
Judy Howard

YOM KIPPUR Q&A with Rabbi

CHILDREN A) Question:  Am I allowed to prepare food tomorrow for my kids or if I need everything made today?   Reply: Food for the children should...
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
Judy Howard

Can You Change the Past Rabbi Glick

Can you change the past?? [Yom Kippur]
@Judy Howard started 7 years ago - replies: 0
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